Wednesday, July 29, 2015

kriss stress

illustration by Kriss Stress
i am so unbelievably stoked about this. my band, The Thons, recently recorded a single and did an interview for the music blog Loud Loop Press. while the blog hasn't posted the interview yet the artist involved with the blog as well as a ton of the chicago rock music scene (Kriss Stress) has finally finished and posted the portraits that will go along with the article.  i've wanted one of these done for quite some time and finally having one makes me feel like im officially a part of the chicago rock scene.  big big big thanks to Kriss and LLP for making this happen!




Monday, July 27, 2015

count your sheep, go back to sleep.

It's amazing how much christian fundamentalists have missed the point of this statue.  If they think this makes them uncomfortable.....  what about the millions of others who don't subscribe to christianity let alone religion in general? Good, wholesome, everyday atheists have to see and hear about god and christ everyday of their lives.  Their government condones the use of religious texts and ideals within public classrooms and at state capitols.

The Satanic Temple is not fighting a war against christianity they are fighting a war against the hypocrisies in governmental adaptation of religion. They are maintaining the constitution which states there must be a separation between church and state. A government may not pick favorites when it comes to religions. Display all or none.

Personally I believe religion, christianity especially, is a cancer on society and a disease of the mind; a mass mental disorder.  While the satanic temple may not be fighting a true war against christianity or religion in general, I wish to be.  I will not be tolerant.  Religion sickens me. Mindlessness sickens me. Willingness to follow blindly sickens me. The need to spread this religious disease is sickening.

What has always drawn me to the depiction of baphomet is the goat head.
A goat makes it's own path while a sheep follows the path laid down by a shepherd.  Don't ever follow. For the love of satan, don't be a sheep.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

transparent backgrounds

Some of my older digital pieces


                                                                     just some of my art

Smug-ass looking new blog owner